WVHS and ACC Service Update as of 3/19/20


Since March 13, 2020, Wenatchee Valley Humane Society (WVHS) and Wenatchee Valley Animal Care and Control (ACC) have been practicing social distancing tactics to do our part in limiting the spread of COVID-19. As the virus continues to spread, so does our increased diligence about keeping the public we work with, our supportive volunteers, and our dedicated staff safe. As such, the following changes in service will be put into place immediately:


  • Adoptions are still highly encouraged and will continue on an appointment-based system. Please view our website for the current list of adoptable pets, then call 509-662-9577 to schedule your private meet and greet appointment

  • Owner surrenders will not be accepted until further notice. To reduce the number of animals at the shelter, should a shelter in place occur, WVHS is temporarily halting any non-emergent intakes until further notice.

  • Pet Food Pantry Food Bank is scheduled for March 28th and, currently, will still occur. Those interested in this service must provide proof of income qualification for this program. Services are from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., or until food runs out, on a first come, first served basis. This month’s program will be a curbside service; please continue to watch our Facebook page for details.

  • Public spay/neuter services are temporary on hold until further notice. With the shortage of PPE (personal protective equipment) and other necessary medical supplies, the limited amount we have must be used for emergency purposes only. In addition, medical procedures make it near impossible for our medical team to maintain social distancing.

  • Current fosters may be receiving a call in the near future as we prepare a contingency plan, if shelter in place order is made for our area. The WVHS leadership team is putting many pieces into place to ensure that, should our team need to shelter in place, the animals in our care continue to be healthy and well-cared for.

  • Volunteers are still helping staff to ensure all shelter animals remain socialized and exercised during this time. In addition to shelter playgroups and enrichment, many of our dogs are enjoying the spring weather by hiking with approved volunteers. Our Volunteer Coordinator is in continuously communication with volunteers about the many changes within the shelter and will continue to do so.  Volunteers will continue to be needed and welcomed until otherwise advised.

Animal Care and Control

  • To keep Animal Care and Control Officers (ACCOs) safe, as well as individuals coming into contact with the ACCOs, ACC will only be responding to emergency issues. These include: aggressive or injured animals, neglect, cruelty, and newborn kittens (Please note: found kittens should be left alone unless in danger or distress. Often times mom is nearby and hunting www.wenatcheehumane.org/found-a-kitten)

  • Non-threatening, healthy stray animals will not be picked up until further notice. To reduce the number of animals at the shelter, should a shelter in place occur, ACC is temporarily halting intakes of healthy, non-aggressive animals.

  • Bailout fees for any animal held on a ‘stray hold’ will be waived. In order to get pets home as quickly as possible, ACC is temporarily waiving bailout fees for animals currently on a ‘stray’ hold.

  • License renewals can be made online or over the phone, with waived shipping fees.

  • Lost and found pet reports will continue to be accepted through our website. Our team is committed to working within the capacity we can to reunite pets with their families and will be posting these on the ACC Facebook page and share them on the WVHS Facebook page.

The teams at WVHS and ACC thank the community for its support and understanding as we move through this unique period in time and continue to work to make our community a safe place for pets and the people who love them.


Dawn Davies
Executive Director